One of the best-selling AP replicas

Is it like a rock? This big watch is one of the best-selling AP replicas, I think few people can control such a big watch. Maybe you should consider to buy one, it is a good self-defense tool, better to use than knives and other sharps. When I got this watch, I can feel its weight, much heavier than most other full SS watches, when I wear it on my thin wrist, how do I feel? Just like tying a stone to my hand.

This replica is made by J12 factory, which is also called JF by many people. I have stated more than once in my posts that each factory has their own star products, for example, Noob has Submariner and Daytona, V6 has Ballon Bleu and Hublot, if you want a AP replica, especially a AP ROO replica with Secs@12, please be keen with J12 factory. This is the truth. If you bought a Hublot Big Bang replica from other factory rather than V6, I think the watch must have a lot of issues, and it won’t last for a long time. So, if you want the best Submariner and Daytona, Noob is the only choice, for this AP ROO replica, J12 is the only choice.

About the finish of this AP, it is perfect ten, no other factories can compared with J12 when talking about the finish of an AP replica watch, the finish on case and bezel belongs to top level, you can only feel once you have one, it is really good, you know the case of AP has a lot of edges and corners, this makes it hard to be replicated, file J12 factory does a good job, I think the case of this AP can be even interchanged with that of genuine watch. The bezel is made with real black ceramic and brushed, the black ceramic bezel perfectly matches with the rose gold tone of case.

About movement, it is a clone 3126, which is modified with a Chinese chronograph movement. Check the decoration on movement plates and auto rotor, it looks beautiful and already very close to genuine AP 3126. However, there is one problem of this movement, whose self-winding efficiency is not high, means that you need to wind the watch every day, maybe more than once each day, to keep accurate time. And do not use the chronograph function too frequently, that will cause movement issues.

Overall, this rose gold AP is a good replica, you can wear it out to meet your friends, they will think it is a real. However, I do not suggest you buy it unless you are a AP fan. The watch is too expensive, use that money, you can buy one good quality Royal Oak 15400 or 15500 from ZF, and still have money left.

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